My dear online family, I want to share something very important I have learned from experience. Let me begin by saying I know there are a lot of cliches out there. I get it. I've read the hallmark cards, the memes, the quotes; I've been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.
So I can assure you what I'm about to say is none of that.What I'm about to say is only from real,raw experience.
In life,you will have exactly 3 types of relationships.The relationship with yourself,the relationship with the Creator,and the relationship with the other creation.
You will also meet all sorts of people in your life. Here's my secret: the stronger your relationship is with the Creator and yourself, the stronger it can be with the creation.
What does that mean? It means this: Never, ever, ever fake, bend, hide, or photoshop parts of yourself to fit another person's standard. Never. And if you find yourself having a do this, stop. Just stop.
Have the courage to be real. Honest. Authentic. Vulnerable. And here's what will happen if you do that: It will serve as a sifter.

It will sift through the people in your life. It will become a cleanser. It will remove the wrong people, and reveal the right ones.
Now, I know. This process isn't easy. And it isn't fun. It will require an incredible amount of courage. But most of all, it will require an incredible amount of *trust*.
You must be able to trust in the unseen process. You must be able to trust that, as long as you are sincere with yourself, God, and others, absolutely *anything* you lose, will be replaced with something better, and more real. Remember that.
When you're real, God surrounds you with real. And nothing less. That's why He will remove people from your life, sometimes. That's why He will close doors. That's why He will put up inpenetratable walls. Don't ever think it's to deprive you. No. It isn't.
Here is what happens if you stick to sincerity and authenticity: God will bring the right people into your life. The ones who accept and love and *cherish* you-- at your core. The whole package. Not some false, fake, perfect image.
What I'm saying isn't easy. Trust me, I know. And it isn't fun. Cleaning never is. But, I promise you, it's necessary.

And it's worth it.
You can follow @YasminMogahed.
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