
Yesterday I reached 500 Followers. Thank you all🙏

So what is next?

Even though my emphasis is on putting out some useful content, I would be lying if I say I don't care about the No. of Followers.

I always like to set REALISTIC goals for myself.

Let's do some MATH
I am averaging about 100 Followers per Week and there are 33 weeks still left in this year.

If I continue doing what I do, by the end of 2020, I should have 500 + 3300 ~ 4000 followers.

BIG PICTURE: 4000 Followers by Year End.

Let's Break it down further 👇👇
End of June ~ 1000
End of July ~ 1400
End of Aug ~ 1900
End of Sept ~ 2300
End of Oct ~ 2800
End of Nov ~ 3400
End of Dec ~ 4000

I will re-visit this thread every month.

Am I aiming too high? or is it achievable? Thoughts?
You can follow @BeatTheGameYo.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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