my experience with "nobody can love you until you love yourself" is ... i can be loved if i don't love myself. i have been loved when i didn't love myself and i sabotaged it. i ruined it. i ran away. i was avoidant of being seen.
loving myself helps me recognize when people love me back and now i don't have to accuse anyone of "taking" my love from me. because if i didn't have it, i wouldn't be able to give it. i gave people adoration and obsession in the past. but that was not love.
i gave "love" yet feared vulnerability.
i gave "love" yet ran away from accountability.
i gave "love" yet tried to impede on their freedom just because i was insecure and afraid of someone having a life and love for themself.

that was not love.
but i love now. and i'm free.
i'm glad i moved away from love = "you now owe me everything i won't give myself"

keep that entitlement away from me.
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