Scottish independence is a numbers game.

99% of the media, and 3/4 of its political parties are ran from another country, willing to lie directly or indirectly for fear of losing franchise and income derived by keeping us tied to another countries parliament.

And yet we got 45%
13% of Scots residents are English, 75% of whom are No voters, and the same percentage for Tory voting.

The No vote lost by 6%, approximately the same amount as English born voter, plus EU nationals that were told the only way Scotland could stay in the EU was voting no.
64% of voters in EU ref in Scotland voted to remain in the EU, 1 country decided for us we are leaving because its larger than our population size.

400 000 voters dropped off the voters roll a year after indy ref.
1 country decides the powers devolved to another 3, keeping 85% of the powers of value as reserved - and decides devolved monies for the 15% it "allowed" us

313 - the number of years Scotland has been waiting for this "union" to be one, instead of the shackle it was always to be
1979 - the first attempt at having a parliament devolved, where the result despite democratically demanding Scotland should have one, the goalposts were moved to 40% of the electorate turnout, and where the dead were counted as electorate.
4 mandates, 2 direct vote in the Holyrood parliament for another independence referendum - twice denied us by another countries parliament, that demands the last one, with its broken promises that delivered a no result, was once in a generation.
theres one more Panda in Scotland than there is Labour Mp's, or actually if you look even deeper at Murray being a Tory on a Labour ticket, theres fucking 2.
in the 40 years of North Sea oil, near 100% of which is in Scots waters, it has seen that wealth from it head to another countries coffers, and where but 8% is reluctantly returned as a "geographical share" with caveats for spending, or reserved powers denying is spent elsewhere.
Norway, which discovered oil too, around the same time, eventaully in the mid 90s decided to make a soverign wealth fund from its, for its 5 million people.

It stands at over 1 trillion dollars today, its neighbours got fuck all of it.
Norway as you might have noticed are around the same population size as Scotland, and as a country that gained its independence long before oil, is frequently in the top 5 countries to live in.

The UK sharing 15th with the Usa, and 6 former UK colonies in front of them.
Shipbuilding - Norway hasnt lost their capacity and tonnage, unlike Scotland under both Labour and Tory govts ran from England.

Its order book for new boats, ships, cruise liners and tankers - stands at over 10 years long.
Scotland once had 79 MP's in Englands parliament called Westminster, it took tame jocks in the Labour party govt, and a govt we have rejected since the 50s that are the Tory party to whittle that down - where 1 country still holds more than 80% of the now 650 seats regardless.
Broadcasting, we have 0% control over our own internationally accepted right to regulate our own airwaves.

Telecoms - of the 26 billion to date recieved by Westminster for mobile spectrum auctions, we have seen not 1 penny.

Telecoms 2 - ZERO power over it, its a reserved matter
Telecoms 3 - broadband. ScotGovt have taken to spending devolved monies on improving a reserved matter rurally, and yet the govt responsible Westminster have not, yet their Tories in Scotland complain about the delivery of improving something their party should have done already.
7 years a political generation in NIreland, with a rock hard promise that if it wants a referendum within that time frame on its independence, or unification with the free state the UK state partitioned it from would be supplied.

In Scotland case HMG says its an actual lifetime.
Broadcasting 2. The Scot pays 300 million a year as an illegal tax in order to watch TV, not just the BBC now - read the fine print of the recent amendment to broadcasting law.

at one point less than half returned to make progams in Scotland, and of that mostly "lift and shift".
Broadcasting 3. There is also 2 now USA owned monopolies operating in the UK, thus illegally occupying our sovereign airwaves called Sky and Virgin. Combined with BBC fee - thats near 2.6 billion not accrued for "Scottish" taxation, thus added to our own "GDP" figures.
Per Capita spending.

A phrase that means Scotland has to contribute near 10% to the infrastructure spend in England, including HS2 200 billion that will never reach Scotland, Londons public transport and sewerage - and where SNHS monies are decided by Westminster cutting theirs.
Nearly 100 years.

Since the last time Westminster produced proper accounts showing Scottish taxation and spending, that werent "estimates" like Gers - designed to enforce the illusion we are subsidised with our own taxes partially returned.
Pensions - our pensions are decided by another countries choice of parliament to rule over us. Where the claiming age is now beyond that of the Glasgow Effect, and is the worst in the developed world as percentage of median wage - plus well Waspi meaning £40k stolen from them.
Debt - Scotland cannot go to the international markets to get funding, it is instead told it has to pay the UK debt it cannot say no being taken on on its behalf.

Where that debt from the minor party UK nations despite being 15% of the UK population 45% of it is paid by them.
Zero - the number of car plants in Scotland with a 5m population.

Over 1 million cars made PA in independent Slovakia - same size population.
2, the number of times that Scottish voting has influenced the result of the Westminster election in nearly 100 years.

Thats but 2 times we have been in sync with Englands choice of Govt for us.
1, thats the number of council houses built in Scotland by Labour during its tenure as Govt in 3 of the countries of the UK at the same time.

1.5 billion, the number of pounds it sent back to Westminster as Scottish Govt, it couldnt find a reason to spend in Scotland at the time
100+, the number of years Labour has promised Hardies Home Rule, and the removal of the house of lords.

12, the last time we believed Scottish Labour enough to elect them.
3, the number of political parties in Scotland, ran by for and from another country, telling us not to leave their rule over us.
1, the only number of parties realistically, in theory, fighting to free us from it.
30 - the section all 4 insist we need, yet we dont.
18092014, the day that indigenious Scots despite the full might of foreign owned press and broadcasters, and 3/4 of its political parties ran from another country telling them not to... as majority voted for independence, only to be denied it.

Source Pr J Curtice aka SIR POLL
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