1.) to continue my testimony regarding the #phenomena and how it's engaged/influenced me. I've been researching #ufos, #ET, #TimeTravel, #spacetime, #consciousness, #astralprojection, #shadowpeople, #ghosts, etc... For approximately 2 years in a serious manner...
2.) interestingly enough it was probably 5 or so years ago when I first experienced #astralprojection. Now I wasn't knowledgable of what it was and it wasn't ”successful” meaning it was just the beginning stages such as the vibrations, being #conscious and seeing...
3.) around the room. So this happened a few more times then didn't happen again for a few years then began happening every other week or so. Now it happens nearly every night or even if I nap during the day. I've had many times when I've come out of my body and...
4.) seen others in my room or even grabbing me etc. Here's where it gets weird lol. I've never seen a #ghost that I'm aware of. However, now I have something stalking me waiting for me to close my eyes. I've had this #entity climb onto me, ”attach” itself to...
5.) my back when I'm on my side putting extreme pressure as if a #human were next to me pressing hard. This has happened many times. Once I was still laying in bed when I projected sat up and grabbed this invisible #entity silhouetted like a head and shoulders...
6.) then straight down with no features at all. Anyways I grabbed this thing and was squeezing it holding it down and I tell you it was physical to me in that state. Then I awoke and I usually wake up when these events take place. Now I've even heard...
7.) this thing getting onto my bed and moving closer to me. It sounds just like a dog or cat walking on the bed. When I hear this happening in not even asleep yet. I may have had my eyes closed for 30 seconds and I'm aware and my eyes are closed but I've even...
8.) peeked or straight up opened them as this is occurring. I've heard and felt it shaking the bed sometimes when it's doing this. A couple of times it was as if a small dog was on my bed but got up and jumped off the bed to walk out of the room. Now none of this...
9.) has happened until I began studying all of this #phenomena. It's as though they somehow knew or sensed I was ”aware” of the #matrix so to say. I haven't been harmed physically just disturbed not understanding what and why this #entity is doing. Recently...
10.) during one of these episodes when I opened my eyes it was an apparition of a older screaming woman over my body kinda flying from my feet to my head then I woke up. Idk if this is the same #entity or what. Is this one #phenomenon or separate ones? Is it feeding...
11.) on me somehow during these times? Wtf is happening? Lol. I'm not afraid but I would say I'm uncomfortable. One time it grabbed my toes very quickly as if slapping them to announce its presence or get my attention or scare me idk? Lol. About a month or little...
12.) longer ago when I awakened in this state I had left my tv on that night. It hangs on my wall at the foot of my bed. So before my eyes opened I could see the light against my eyelids and a #shadowperson moved very quickly across the tv light from my left to right...
13.) however, once I opened my eyes I didn't see a #shadowperson I saw a type of #alien #gray. It didn't look exactly like a typical gray. He was maybe 5’ tall, bulbous head, black eyes, etc but not like the ones on ’close encounters of the third kind’ or the...
14.) famous #autopsy footage. Anyways he was standing at the foot of my bed just starting at me and I spoke through my thoughts immediatly saying ”dont hurt me I've been searching for you for a long time.” there was no response. When I looked to my left it was...
15.) evident there was another something there but somehow my vision was censored. Just like on a @youtube video with a square blurred box. It was between my mind and whatever was there...
16.) so this is more information and a bit more detail regarding a few things I've touched on previously. It's just difficult to put this stuff in words typed especially on @Twitter lol. #ufotwitter #paranormaltwitter
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