Thread of the compelling way JaneJake is a bad ship:
Obviously I hc jane as a lesbian so that’s a pretty simple reason I hate the ship, but I’m going to put that aside because it isn’t necessarily substantiated specifically in-text other than through her behavior being akin to lesbians’ behavior before they come out imo.
Janejake is specifically subverted by homestuck. Jake says the quote below about Jane. He talks about how it’s natural for them to get together. The story until this point has hinted at the idea, in that we’re introduced to Jane as the protagonist, and her goal is to date him
The fact that Jane does not successfully tout her feelings and that Jake chooses Dirk over her is one example of how Jake is not the platonic heteronormative adventurer hero he pretends to be. It’s a microcosm of his greater character arc
By his own definition he is a “huge bozo” for not wanting to date Jane, and he’s right! He isn’t a typical boy in any facet of his being, but we’re first introduced to this in his lack of interest in heterosexuality. Later in the story he reveals more about how he isn’t normative
Jake at the beginning of the story has manufactured a persona for himself that is perfect for Jane in every way. He loves “blue beauties” of which Jane is one, and he is very complimentary and kind to her constantly, for example
It would make sense for a reader to see this and assume they’ll get together. The fact that they don’t is a compelling part of Jake’s narrative for this reason. He doesn’t abide by the prescriptive role of his position and instead takes matters into his own hands.
In conclusion, I think it’s a significant, though now obvious, part of Jake’s character development that he doesn’t end up with Jane. Hence, I personally would deem it character-development erasure to earnestly ship them together.
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