How society is broken down- THREAD

Remember the days when the majority of people could agree on the main issues? Look now, every single little topic and view is balkanized and broken down along much more varied and solid parameters. Guilty of this myself. I could name 5/
issues at least where I have really strong and cast iron beliefs. If you asked me what my view on say "feminism or transgender rights" 5,10 years ago, I would have shrugged my shoulders and said "Fuck all to do with me, don't care" But now I can tell you all about this stuff,
and why I think it has been promoted and who wants to push it into the public domain etc. Why is it now that people are so staunchly behind all these new constructs that are really a load of BS when you get to the substance behind it all. Here why I think this -
Maybe a decade or so ago, the ruling class was aware to a certain extent that the masses were becoming wiser via easy access to uncensored information. This was a side effect of having the internet mainstream that they maybe underestimated in the early days.
You see, you can't beat the honest human rating system, this is why big tech companies are becoming more hard-line with censorship, its because the wrong people for the system always end up being the people's favorites and they can't compete with it.
The people naturally gravitate to what they see as genuine discourse and debates, youtube, Facebook & Co are digging their own graves punting people off for wrong think. It will blow up in their face eventually. You cant have a central committee like the Politoboro in PRC
Deciding what the perception of our life should be because that's all that media is for, it builds perception, its a very crucial method of control for the ruling class, its more important than any other element of the system, the finance sector is a close second.
Our minds have been honeycombed off into more shattered pieces by our insatiable lust for new and ever-changing information. We now stand so united on many fronts but divided on more, and it's not by accident either, oh no, you see, they want us to think everything is random
This story, that story, 9/11, COVID 19. It's all by chance, pure random. I can tell you, after over a decade deep-level research and direct personal experience with UK Military Intelligence, special forces & occult, this is simply not true. Everything is planned. Time is round
It's a big loop, it goes round and round, sometimes clockwise sometimes anti-clockwise, A ruler is called a ruler because it measures scale, but there is no scale. let that sink in, a ruler is a rule to keep us in a mental cage.
I bet a lot of you guys reading this, used to love bending the ruler at school? This is because subconsciously you knew there was more to life than met the eye, something beyond the five senses that you can feel but cannot see?
Everyday simple words and phrases program us more than we can imagine, when the Police officer asks you, "Do you understand"? That means, do you "stand under me"? It's all verbal/social contracts we enter into in everyday life and we don't even know it half the time.
in the older times, as now deceased globalist Zbigniew Brenzki once said "It used to be easier to control a million people than to kill a million people, this is no longer the case" And he was correct when he said that.
Obviously, they can't just kill everybody these days so easy, so they need to frazzle our minds and program us into thinking the way we do. I don't think many (very few) people actually have much self-direction or real agency, our minds are conditioned for slavery.
This is how you break down a person and therefore society. It is known fact victims of trauma (especially childhood) honeycomb their minds off into multiple different personalities, It's basically that effect on a mass scale. Fear is the ultimate tool of control. You see, fear is
the most honest emotion, you can't really fake fear can you? Think about this, if you are genuinely scared of somebody, no matter how smart or low IQ they are, they will KNOW for a fact you fear them, you cant avoid this.
You can tell some chick you really love her, and she will really believe it, and you could have ZERO interest and drop her a moment's notice, love is overrated in terms of how it's perceived, fear is not the same. The ruling class knows this and they use it
Over and over again, and people always fall for it, we have seen this more blatantly than ever in 2020. Now with the rapid expansion of government surveillance and control I fear we are entering into the next phase of the breakdown, this is called the "post-human error"
AI and automation will now be very quickly rolled out across the board, we are seeing this with 5G being installed everywhere. The people don't want or need 5G, how many folks do you know who are wanting a 5G phone? I bet very few or none. It's not for us,
It's for the driverless cars, it's for the technology they plan to place inside you, it's for the internet of things, where every single thing we buy, will have an electrical/digital signal/chip and all the data and information will be monitored and stored.
But not all lost. I know think the system has overstepped the line, I feel now, we shall see a huge human kickback to this nightmarish set up they are dragging us into. We must come together and regain our basic human connection. For that is what they fear the most.
We are a lot more powerful than we are allowed to think. Have a great weekend all. END THREAD.
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