i think i'm gonna start writing "creepy pasta" aka "scp" here's my first one:
bone lake - looks like a normal lake but it's full of bones (underwater)
scp 2 - groan phone
an old rotary phone in a room on a table and if you lift up the receiver you can hear a groaning sound
scp 3 - scary costco
seemingly normal costco but there's a ghost that sneaks up behind you and screams and then you have to start over
scp 4 - weird painting guy
a guy that has a painting of himself that gets older but he doesn't get older (?????????)
scp 5 - fortnite battle royale
a bunch of people are dropped on an island and forced to kill each other
scp 6 - alien autopsy
the government finds a dead alien and they cut it open and find out that the alien died because it was lonely :(
scp 7 - mountain dew code red
if you look in the mirror and say "mountain dew code red" 3 times then a ghost will appear and scream and then you have to start over
scp 8 - the sneech
same as the grinch except he's orange and hates easter
scp 9 - weird light switch
a light switch where you don't know what it does but what it actually does is makes a ghost move toward you or away from you but you don't know which until the ghost reaches you and screams and then you have to start over
scp 10 - scary netflix
seemingly normal netflix but all the videos are scary
scp 11 - E4
mysteriously occurs 1 month after E3. sony reveals a scary new playstation made of bugs
scp 12 - book of phone numbers
a weird book full of names and phone numbers and ads for local businesses appears on your porch one day
scp 13 - dark daniel
a weird man who appears in your nightmares and asks his famous question "do you like scary nightmares?" (in a weird voice)
scp 14 - spider solitaire
spiders have infested this seemingly normal game of solitaire
scp 15 - popeye
a weird sailor man lures you in with an enchanting tune but if you get too close he screams and his eyes pop out and then you have to start over
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