Mulling over a few things since last night's chat with @stevewraith

I'm humbled and touched by the response and feedback. Our fanbase is rich, diverse, knowledgeable and daft (in a good way). We won't always agree on things. God knows Steve and I haven't always in the past....
..but we should always be able to engage and debate and share the passion we have for #nufc in ways like this. I hope over time we can see the club reach out and engage in as many ways possible. This is the energy that creates amazing things.

My timeline today is filled with...
...ideas, debate, excitement and more. Its refreshing after 13 years of divide and conquer to see this happening as a new era is on the horizon.

Thanks all. Keep a'had and keep this positive mindset. Talk about exciting futures and new opportunities whilst being proud of our..
..heritage of the club the city and community. Stuff we learn from our parents and grandparents and more. (Thanks again @GeorgeHGMitchel )

Stuff we share with our mates and debate over a pint in the pub or a pie at half time.

Howay the Lads!
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