Breath is Everything:
I am prompted to write this with a desire for well-being of fellow humans, and the realisation that many people are not aware of the extremely simple ways to get a healthy body and happy mind.
A Healthy body gives a happy mind, and a happy mind gives a
healthy body.
I have seen that most physical trainers teach exercises, but no one teaches how to breathe properly, probably assuming what is there to teach in breathing.
Well, breathing right is more important than actually doing exercise.
The exercise will bear good result only if proper breathing is done along with the exercise. Normally when not exercising, our breath is affected by the sensory inputs we receive from our senses and our thought processes.
The most important factor in creating bad health,
at present times is a particular of type breathing pattern/cycle and the quality of air.
I would like to emphasise a lesser known fact (Ancient Indians knew) that it is not just oxygen that is required by the body to remain alive but also electric charge, that we collect
while breathing.. ( another reason why the current types of Ventilators used in hospitals are not very effective for terminally ill patients ,and they are not able to save most of the patients on Ventilators. (the ventilators bypass the nasal cavity).
I want to demonstrate the effect by bringing to your attention an experiment. (not related to the topic of Health). Which was done by Lord Kelvin called “The proper way of breathing”
“Kelvins Thunderstorm”. His research was on Static Electricity.

It is astonishingly simple, yet amazing how charge collects with just falling water. While doing my own research on something, upon seeing this experiment the realisation dawned that our nasal cavity is the place where, while breathing,
charge is collected exactly like Lord Kelvin’s experiment. This charge is collected and distributed through the 2 Nadis described in Indian system of yog, as Ida and Pingala. Surya and Chandra, Hot and cold. This same charge is stored and carried by the salts we consume.
Charge is required for functioning of various chemical processes also which happen in the body.
The “Praan Vayu” mentioned in our Scriptures/Manuals is nothing but “Charged Air”. Various Non-Allopathic systems of medicine have described Prana, Chi, Qui, Energy etc.
In modern terminology it is Electric Charge.
The quality of air, the kind of flow in the nasal cavity decides the amount of charge that can be collected.
When the passage is blocked due to either injury or mucus, this process is hampered and good amount of charge is
not collected.
The body is like a reservoir which stores this charge, the effect of which extends outside the body also. This same charge/energy, body is known as Aura and can be seen with the help of Kirlian Photography.
There are waves in this reservoir just like a regularly moving vessel containing liquid has and these are linked to the breathing rate. These waves are the reason of the heart beating. Yog masters are able to reduce or increase their heart rates by controlling
their breathing pattern.
The control of the breath is also linked with Astral Travel, getting Amrit and other experiences but that would be other threads.
A smooth, non-turbulent, rotating vortex like movement of air, through the nostrils produces the maximum
amount of charge, just as seen in the experiment a thin laminar rotating water flow produces good amount of charge, and a turbulent flow produces less charge.
Indoor Air Quality:
The air quality of modern homes (mostly) is extremely bad. And the credit goes to
‘Post Air Conditioning Era’ architecture. Architectural norms have been changed and now all the buildings are designed keeping Air Conditioning in mind. Just this one factor is costing billions and billions of dollars in Health costs. Even good architects
don’t keep freshness of air in mind while designing buildings.
The solution for a lot of problems are usually so simple that people simply ignore, and so is the case with how to have fresh air in the building.
The solution for having fresh air in the house or a building is extremely simple.
In the Pre-AC era, we used to have a very simple solution for a 24-hr fresh air circulation. A slightly higher ceiling than the present day normal of 10 feet, and a ventilator in one or
more places very close to the ceiling. People would also remember it as “Roshandaan”.
The concept of a Ventilator is extremely simple and very effective. The heated air (because of presence of humans, cooking, electronics etc.) constantly rises and escapes from the
ventilator, and cold air keeps replacing it. Which seeps in from the doors and windows. This is a zero-energy consuming process and of course free of cost. If Khus mat is installed on the windows even a cooler is not required for blowing air.
Keeping doors open helps a little but that also does not replace stale air unless there is a cross flow between different openings. Even having netted doors is of not much use unless a flow is present.
We spend almost 7 to 8 hours every day while sleeping.
The rest body gets is also proportional to the amount of oxygen we get and the pattern of breathing we have.

The proper way of breathing:
We are living in times where so much information is available in such a short period of
time because of electronic media. This has affected our breathing pattern and the breaths have become quite shallow, quick, irregular and in spurts.
Most important for proper breathing, is to have a clear nose and nasal cavity at all times. (Jal Neti is very
effective for having a clear nose and cavity).
Breathing from the mouth should never, never be done, even in case of heavy exercise. The stamina increases only when the breathing is done through the nose.
The best breathing is done when naturally the stomach moves
while breathing (diaphragm breathing, which an infant naturally does).
By doing a few minutes of exercise everyday a muscle memory can be formed where the breathing naturally happens from diaphragm.
The Practice:
Sit in a comfortable position, cross legged is best, but people who cannot sit like that can sit on a chair, with spine erect but not stressed.
Anulom-Vilom: (see Ramdevs's videos)
Practice “Anulom Vilom” for 5 to 10 minutes.
This is done to balance the 2 nostrils so that both nostrils are inhaling same amount of air and are free of obstacles.
Diaphragm Breathing:
Move the stomach out first and breath in, while breathing out as the breath out first then move the stomach in. A 10 to
15 minutes practice done for 40 days will form muscle memory it will become a natural habit. After some time, you will notice that you will breath like this all the time.
Direct result will be the lethargy will go and you will feel more energetic.
This will also affect the breathing pattern to change at night while sleeping, resulting in deeper sleep and the total time of sleep required will come down.
Finally, I want to say
& u will not require a doctor.
Hope this is useful to all 🙏🙏🙏
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