Some thoughts from my #IGLive earlier tonight re today’s discourse, this election and #COVIDー19 . Let’s keep the main thing the main thing.
People are suffering and dying. Our people. And will keep suffering and dying under this president. He did not act to stop it and will not do so. He MUST go.
The handling of this pandemic by Trump/his admin and the cost to our people in loss of lives and jobs should be enough in and of itself to ensure he is a one-term president. While we are dying to lack of access to health care, he is in court trying to kill what’s left of the ACA.
Joe Biden fought to provide access to quality healthcare to every American before and will do so again. For millions of us, it is the difference between life and death.
I want you alive. This election really is as simple as that. #JoeBiden2020
There are many things I want to see happen for our people and country in the next administration. I am voting for @joebiden because he has committed to many of those things and has a demonstrated record of delivery on others. And for the sake of our democracy. #mainthing
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