So as most of you know there has been some really shady ish going on with certain idols lately and I know things have always been this way and that sucks. I've been seeing alot of kpop stans spitting FACTS on TikTok and Twitter so I've decided to make a thread of those posts.
Okay so I don't know if you know this but I took a break from Twitter recently because I had been seeing way too much hate. It wasn't long, I was gone for about 4 days. I expected to come back feeling refreshed but I came back to find more hate than there was before. At first+++
I questioned if I should leave again but I realized that there will ALWAYS be toxic people that cause trouble, there will ALWAYS be media outlets that spread lies and that leaving will give me the same result I got the first time.

There have been certain things that I've+++
wanted to address in the past but I thought that there was no point in wasting my breathe if no one was gonna listen, if everyone views me as a crazy fan-girl, I was scared. WELL, I refuse to keep doing that.

Feeling like you have no voice is suffocating and very frustrating.
NO ONE should ever feel like they don't have a voice. God gave us voices for a reason, I'm going to use mine. No more sitting on the sidelines!

Now that I've explained, let's get into the thread. 😊 (Thank you for reading this far 💜 please keep reading till the very end 🙏🏽)
A thread of K-pop stans using their voices and spitting straight FACTS:
1. Okay, so this ARMY was speaking on the recent Jungkook 'scandal'. She makes very valid points and it may not matter to you but I absolutely agree with her. Jungkook deserves better.

2. This is the same ARMY from no 1. Yes, she came back to spit more facts. This is a rather sensitive topic: Romantic Relationships. Certain things needed to be said and sis said em.

Link(s):  - part 1  - part 2
3. This ARMY talked about someone saying that we let Taehyung being rude to fans slide because he's 'fine'. Again, you may not care what I think but I was shook and disgusted. Taehyung deserves better.

4. This ARMY is a YouTuber. She did a reaction video and someone commented saying they understand why the world sees us as 'excited teens'. I personally love her reactions, they're genuine. Yes, she may scream but that's just love and admiration.

Okay!~ This is the end of the thread 😊 for now that is 😏

This has been in my drafts for about two days now and I've finally decided to post it because people NEED to see these. It needs to be understood that we can be the cause of the boys unhappiness if we aren't careful.
I'm not saying I doubt their love for us but you get it. Let's just try to treat them as humans before anything else and love them. Notice I said love and not obsess. Anyway!~ That's all for now folks! Please expect more to be added to this thread later. God bless 💜💜
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