@BorisJohnson @DominicRaab
Many people will continue to work from home, even if just part of the time. I guess coffee chains’ turnover will reduce as less people come into cities. Transport companies’ revenue will be down too... 👇
2. Companies will lay off the less productive and no longer needed. They will pick & choose. Some companies won’t make it. Pubs will fail like dominoes. Unemployment will go up greatly. Spoke after furlough. Companies taking government loans will still fail, and they know now.👇
3. The lockdown is unproven. Anti-government MSM pressured the decision. Public are turning against the media. Brexit bias coverage and now CV has shown us all how disgraceful our MSM is. BBC has written its own demise. News channels are an embarrassment. 👇
4. Companies will take smaller offices as staff are reduced and some work from home. Yesterday I heard Barclays are returning 8 of 10 floors they rent. They own their other building. Productivity went up for them in Wealth dept for those working at home. 👇
5. Restaurant chains will not have the same turnover. It won’t return to previous levels. Less people will be eating out as less in town. Some were already failing (Carluccios, Flat Iron). It will take a long time before crowded places are crowded again. 👇
6. Less people will want to commute. Less people will want crowded trains. Khan has raised Congestion Charge and it’s now ‘til 10pm & at weekends. That will affect evening traffic and theatre/restaurant custom. Less people will be in London in evenings. 👇
7. People will now make career decisions on not being in London than being in London. The commute is a chore and everyone now sees it clearer. The expensive unreliable train services and overcrowding has not been missed. TfL’s revenue will not return to previous levels. 👇
8. Divorce numbers will spike as many now know/confirm they aren’t supposed to be together after all this time together. Domestic violence will have risen as well. But many more will be the opposite in that family time is more valued. Eating together, time together enjoyed. 👇
9. More people will now try to be home more. Those with gardens will tend them more too. Home family life will have been more enjoyable for many. Some may not replace their cars. Some will sell the 2nd or 3rd family car as not essential. Many will have saved money too. 👇
10. Those who have realised they don’t need to eat out as much, or spend £10 a day in morning coffee and lunch sandwich/coffee. Families may realise they can enjoy their earnings together, instead of wasteful.
Some good will have come from this CV lockdown nightmare. 👇
11. Has the lockdown been a success? Less populated Sweden kept inner city bars & restaurants open. Their figures are similar to UK. UK adds CV to death certificate when suspected or tests +, even if other factors. The numbers are higher than genuine CV caused deaths. 👇
12. Has the extra £500bn on national debt been worth it? The growing economy has been trashed and will take months and months to recover anywhere near previous levels. Unemployment will be much higher. Many companies will fail. Yet vast majority of working population are fine.🤔
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