I am unabashedly pro-life.

There is not a single reason to murder a precious baby. Not one. Under *no circumstances* is it ever acceptable.

If anyone has a problem with that, the block button is very easy to get to.
“What if a woman was raped?! What if the baby will have a hard life?!”

Thank you for showing that you think people born into such lives are better off dead. I’m sure they agree with you.

The pro-abortion position is barbaric and all who hold it will answer to Almighty God.
I refuse to call it pro-choice. It’s not about choice. It’s pushing an agenda of abortion. It seeks to destroy the family. There is nothing about it that promotes the beauty of choice and free will, which are gifts from God. It is slavery to passions, the self, and secularism.
And the pro-birth label doesn’t bother me one bit. While mildly inaccurate—as birth is not the only thing I care about—I most certainly am “pro-birth”: babies should be born. It is the cycle of life, and a beautiful one at that.
I’ve also got a very, very simple solution for those that will lose their minds over inability to access abortion:

Don’t have sex.
If you are married, I am almost positive that—in the case where pregnancy will be harmful—the Church has provided exceptions for the health of the wife.
If you are a woman who’s had an abortion, all you must do is repent of your grave sin and cry out to God. He will hear you and forgive you with gladness and mercy. He will forget this iniquity—all you have to do is repent of it in humility and sorrow (the hardest thing to do!)
And if you choose this, if you are able, get to Confession as soon as possible.
Let’s look at this scripture that pro-aborts like to bring up a lot. They cite that this is an abortion. This is simply not true, for several reasons.

1. This implies that the bitter drink itself is an abortifacient. This is ludicrous +
Especially considering Deuteronomy 18:10-15, where we see all forms of pagan practices condemned. Thinking this is some sort of magical drink likely assumes magic, which is strictly forbidden.

2. Notice the language. “May *HE* make thy thigh to rot.” This is the Lord, not +
The drink. It is God Who has the power to end and produce life, and that is the position of the Catholic—which is why abortion is so abhorrent.

If the Lord chooses to end life, He has every right to do so. We do not. Simple as. This passage is in no support of abortion.
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