hey so it’s 3 am and i’m feeling manic and quarantine is hurting my noggin so i’m gonna make a thread of reasons why i won’t kms
SUNSETS!! SUNSETS SUNSETS SUNSETS!!! Watching the sunset on the boardwalk with my best friend for a week straight gave me so much serotonin and i need to relive that feeling every summer
i still haven’t gotten to go on any grand road trips where we almost die but it’s okay because even though we almost die i could then add that to my list of chaotic experiences
Concerts!! Shows!! Those moments at shows where the band completely cuts out and it’s just the crowd singing their hearts out are literally my drug
i refuse to let my goddamn 20 year old shiba inu outlive me
seeing my best friend happy. that shit is pure serotonin. god i LOVE THAT BITCH
rich people keeps dropping new music and i need to be there when they start headlining cross country tours because i KNOW they’re going to i just know it
i gotta see adtr again. been listening to them for 14 years, they saved me from my lowest points and yea that sounds super emo but listen this thread is emo so
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