So since yesterday I’ve had a fuck ton of people message me about this ‘Jackie’ (find_evil) person... given what I’ve been told (their handle should probably be am_evil) I’m fucking amazed people still give her a platform. Repeated cases of targeted harassment.
If I had known who she was and her history I would have just blocked her and ignored it. Don’t get me wrong some people (ok one person I respect very much) said she isn’t all bad )no one ever is) but damn if we want a good communitie and we keep acting the same way we can kiss..
That idea goodbye. If you know me you will see this as someone taking something innocent being abused. I’ve spoken to some people who I caused offense, someone who is every nice spent a lot of time talking to me about the issue and I’m still talking to them so I better understand
The nature and cause of the offense. So I think that dialogue is gonna continue. I’ve been told by a few what I should do and that only a limited number of viewpoints matter. Seems like a weird basis for debate personally but I have no idea about this shit if I’m honest
But I’m trying to understand and If people aren’t rude to or about me then I’ll always keep and open mind and I’ll always try and do the right thing. But come out me calling me names, come at me with demands, come at me thinking ur opinion matters more than the next persons
And I’ll still try and keep an open mind but you will find that I’ve got a lot less time to talk. I still am considering leaving this place, I’m fucking appalled at the behaviour I’ve experienced from a few people and I’m still fucked off. So well done shit fucks u managed to
Make me upset and u hurt me. Good on you. I’m glad you put some energy into trying to disrupt me and not someone else who might have actually stopped. So for now, I’m gonna continue making community content, helping people that ask and sharing technology and security learnings
I’m with #TeamHackerMouse and I’ll try make it a game that spreads love and fun. ❤️
You can follow @UK_Daniel_Card.
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