i could spend a literal day talking about country music that came out in 2016, which is why I want to say two things about Megan & Liz' That Ghost ()
1) it's a good song, fuck yall.
2) i've been looking for a good lyric video for the last 3/4 hour. a small crime of the internet is the consolidation of genius as the sole lyrical source, because it is SEO'd & mostly clean
& by small crime i mean indicative of the whole internet. it's fucking bad out here. the internet sucks shit. it's a dozen years since web 2.0 initiatives actively gentrified the internet, and the closest anyone got to pushback was mastodon.
in the "lyrics repository" space we ended up with genius, which is basically urbandictionary. except better capitalized.
there's no returning to AMVs with fansubs, but sometimes you want that rock in front of that crypt to be three days old, if you know what i mean (jesus)
ah fuck i've decided to abandon this thread before it can be a coherent thought because 1) it's a good song, fuck y'all
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