So I’ve been keeping this inside of me for so long and I think I just need to let it all out (and this goes to ANY fandom).
As someone who has been an active fangirl in different fandoms for almost 5 years, I’ve learned that there’s nothing wrong with fangirling and that you aren’t weird for doing so!!! But, as FANS, we also have our limitations.
Sometimes, we try too much to satisfy our own fangirling cravings that we tend to forget that the people we look up to are people too who FEEL and disregard FACTS. We want to know more and feed ourselves with more information that we forget the meaning of privacy.
We try to catch our idol’s attention (I mean, who doesn’t want to?), but then we beg for too much for it as well as time that we tend to forget that who look up to need rest as well, let’s be patient!! When there’s a certain ganap/live,~
~ let’s atleast focus on the ganap/live by actually listening and watching, that’s one of the simplest ways of showing support and respect at the same time. Let’s consider those who will be affected with your actions such as those who we look up to and the people in their lives,~
~ and those who you fangirl with as well. What may seem okay to you (jokes, a certain question, etc.) may be okay for you but may not for others, so think before you click!! And also don’t force anyone to do anything for you if you know they don’t want to,~
~ they don’t owe you anything (unless they actually borrowed something from you choz)!! It’s better to just respect their time, privacy and decisions because they are people as well!!
I’m not speaking for anyone, it’s just something I’ve picked up based on experiences and I don’t want anyone to feel hurt or uncomfortable. Let’s just all create a safe and respectful environment for everyone, lablab!! 🤗💕

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