I wish to start a question and answer series on oncology here on twitter.
1 topic per week, students, patients,and relatives of cancer patients are welcome.
Tag with #AskOncologyCorner.
This extended week we will talk about #breastcancer .
#Rt for wider participation.
As per #WHO #BreastCancer account for 2.09 million cases and 627000 deaths globally. It is the most common cancer in women in India and accounts for 14% of all cancers in women.
#Cancer #oncology
It can occur at any age but the incidence rates in India begin to rise in the early thirties and peak at ages 50-64 years
#oncology #breastcancer #Cancer
There is a 12% ( approximate 1in 8)
Life time risk of developing breast cancer. And the incidence are increasing.
#breastcancer #Cancer
What the risk factors.
Many risk factors for breast cancer have been identified, including
1) Genetic
2)environmental, and
3) lifestyle factors. Some are modifiable and others are not
#breastcancer #cancer #oncology
You can follow @OncologyCorner_.
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