how to take the vixxes out; a thread→*:・゚✧
you’re fucked get out of there
though tall and a trained athlete, his height and proportion put you at an advantage. he’d be strongest at the legs, making his sides, spine, and gut open stagger points. once disorentated, take balance from behind the knees
strength unknown. his broad shoulders may unbalance his stance, so your best chance is to launch yourself at his lower back. jaehwan may have brought along his big killing rock, you can’t win if this happens.
a lot of strong men don’t focus on agility, but he has been training his tumbling; on top of high pain tolerance from being inked. your advantage will be communication skill. ask him to freestyle dance. he won’t be able to resist, at which time you can punch his nose.
whip-fast gaming reflexes. sickly handsome, great at quips. looks like he kicks hard. unfortunately, not bald. pull his hair and scream like an animal, he won’t be strong enough to push you off and his sensitive gamer ears will explode
sanghyuk is a lumbering animal who has taken out men his size and bigger. his fighting form has transcended humanity; brutal, red toothed, and expecting everything. throw sand in his eyes
end of thread ! i hope this information can help save some lives, or make a high touch more exciting. it sucks i didnt have specifics about individual fighting styles, but no one else has survi
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