All I’m saying is that Aang and Katara had no chemistry, the relationship felt forced as hell esp because Aang was so childish and kept trying to force Katara to have feelings that she didn’t have and be in a relationship she told him she was unsure about
Zuko and Katara had MAD chemistry and yes she hated him for a long time and I don’t think they would’ve lasted, but at least they looked like they wanted to f*ck each other. Plus after Zuko’s redemption journey and their trip together they really could’ve had something
With Aang, Katara basically had to raise him and be his emotional center and keep him in check in ways that (evolved) Zuko didn’t need. HE was the one holding her back from making rash decisions and letting her make her own path, being supportive of what she needed to heal
Instead of acting like just because he was a monk and the Avatar he knew every damn thing. Nigga you’re 12 and you’ve only known about this war for the past couple months while others have had their shit rocked
Yes obviously Zuko and Katara were on opposite sides and their situations aren’t the same, but I think the fact that she showed him compassion and always did was the beginning of his redemption arc
And those are my popular-unpopular Zutara opinions. It’s okay if I’m wrong I’m just saying that I would’ve lived a comic book about their short-lived relationship before they both settled down with Aang/Mai and were decolonial vigilantes or something
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