So the U.S. is starting to reopen (not that it was ever really closed). Universities are figuring out how to save money for a potential in-person fall term. Protestors are complaining about being asked to wear masks and stay inside. Let's put this into perspective. #COVID19 (1
@CDCgov currently reports 94,150 total Coronavirus-related deaths in the U.S. Since @realDonaldTrump likes to use war discourse, let's compare that to previous U.S. wars/conflicts. If there were no more deaths after today, the "CoronaWar" would be the 4th most fatal U.S. war. (2
The only wars with more "casualties"? World War I, World War II, and the Civil War. Yes, that's more than the 36,516 during the Korean War and more than the 58,209 during the Vietnam War. It's only barely less than BOTH WARS COMBINED! (3
In fact, the U.S. has reported at least 909 deaths every day since April 1 (except for 3 days: 734, 791, 808). Even with a minimum of 734, if every day was a "war," the past 52 days would ALL be the 14/15th most fatal "war" the U.S. has ever been in. EVERY DAY. (5
The @reichlab forecast compiles many current forecasts and is used by @CDCgov. It currently predicts anywhere between 107k to 120k total deaths within the next month (and I'm not including the 168k (!) predicted by the Johns Hopkins Working Group. [] (6
So, within a month (not even by the end of the summer much less by the time we have a fully-available vaccine), the U.S. death toll could exceed that of World War I. It will exceed the total death toll of EVERY SINGLE WAR/CONFLICT SINCE WORLD WAR II COMBINED. (7
If @realDonaldTrump wants to portray the pandemic as a war, it is one of the single most atrocious "wars" in U.S. history. AND YET, Trump wants to open up the country. AND YET, people are protesting the very measures that are keeping the numbers down. AND YET, bars are packed. (8
The Washington Mall has monuments commemorating the many deaths of the wars I have mentioned in this thread. How will this pandemic be remembered? How is it being memorialized as it develops? How are people talking about one of the most catastrophic events in U.S. history? (9
Perhaps a historian can correct me if I'm wrong but was anyone claiming the deaths during the Vietnam War were hoaxes, like @EricTrump is doing now? Was Woodrow Wilson tolerating the idea of more deaths to "save" the economy during World War I? (10
If you want to bring up the Holocaust Deniers then thank you for proving my point about how crazy this discourse is. If you wan to say that this is comparing apples to oranges then thank you for proving my point about how stupid the war discourse is. (11
People are dying. In numbers similar/superior to some of the most notorious events in U.S. history. The government is contributing to the magnification of the catastrophe. Those of us who have the privilege of doing so should do our best to continue taking safety precautions. (12
Sorry, that was long. Tl;dr: the #CoronaWar discourse is dumb. @realDonaldTrump is dumb; governors opening up their states are dumb; universities having in-person classes in the fall are dumb; Dumb / malicious / contributing to death toll. Social distancing is good; do it. (13
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