CW: self harm, su*cide

Not something I talk about a lot, but in light of the recent tragic loss of Hana Kimura, I want to say something here.

I know it's easy to hide behind the anonymity of the internet. To forget that we're talking to other real people when we can't see them.
But we are. And we are responsible for what we say and do on the internet as much as in "real life."

Had the internet been as much of a "thing" when I was a teenager as it is now, I honestly don't know if I would have survived adolescence.

I was bullied 4th-9th grade, until I finally had a solid friend group who supported me. I hated myself because of the things people I didn't even like said to and about me. I didn't have an adult I could talk to about it. Teachers were dismissive and my grandparents were ill.

If I couldn't have escaped the bullies at home? If they'd been on social media and in my inbox?

I don't know what I would have done. I was miserable. I didn't want to go to school, I had no friends I could turn to. I never went anywhere or did anything.

I was one of the lucky ones. I eventually found my niche and made some wonderful friends, including people I'm still close to 20+ years later.

Not everyone is so lucky.

It costs nothing to be kind.

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