Is it worthwhile making some comments about the meaning/significance of the nazi graf @ Cranbourne? I dunno TBH.
Meh. Prolly not. But here goes ...
I dunno who done it, obv, & it may well be the case that it's some angry simpleton, not a staunch nazi; such incidents have a long history, tho' choosing that particular golf course suggests some familiarity w its history as predominantly Jewish institution, which is interestink.
So, in determining significance, while responsibility is important, so too is rate of incidents, & -- more broadly -- the place of 'The Jew' in the racist imaginary. This is esp relevant to the conspiratorial framework for understanding Coronavirus, which is Quite A Thing atm.
In addition, there's a smol infestation of nazis in S/E of MEL, which may/not be esp relevant; more broadly, the *cough* patriotik *cough* mvmt in AUS has always existed cheek-by-jowl w determined antisemites, whose purpose is to give these often inchoate frustrations a target.
So, I agree w Andre when he states that 'playing to [nazi] fantasies, including by giving them publicity in the media, or attributing other unassociated random acts to them, will only increase the danger they pose & the energy with which they promote their agenda of hate' ...
... while also noting that much depends on the nature of that reportage. To the extent that it consists of 'ermahgerd there's nazis about' it's unlikely to be helpful, which is pretty much what News did when they reported on NSN.
I mean, I take it as read, but to spell it out: marginal pol actors seek an audience, & undertake actions, in part, to create one. By this calculus, it doesn't rlly matter if great majority respond w #FCKNZS -- the aim is to reach that sliver of audience which may be sympathetic.
*If you wanna case study for teenyboppers being 'radikalised' by shite, see the Iron March d0x. Reading thru their tortured online confessions also underscores how easy it is for 'vulnerable boys' to skip from 'I hate Mom' to, eg, 'I hate Jews'. 
FTR, it not just boy0s. So eg, after I shared an acct of the vandalism, this arvo I got this comment from AJ Soden; Soden is not a kid but a middle-aged butcher, w kids of his own, & was a fixture on the far-right protest scene in MEL (second pic w 'True Blue Crew').
Ofc, 'The JQ' is one inre which antisemites freq have debates: when should one be open about one's 'power lvl'; is it a matter of principle, or merely a tactical Q? In MEL, eg, The Frankston Fuehrer adopted a *nudge nudge, wink wink* approach, & it worked (for a while).
Formed by some of his kameraden in Antipodean Resistance (see IM) & The Lads Society, the NSN has opted for a (to me) refreshingly honest approach: 'yeah we're nazis -- deal w it'. This foll some debate within the grp, I should add, & appears to have meant some left TLS. Indeed >
> there's a lot more I could add but, for reasons, cannot (one of the frustrations I have w responding to media reportage) tho' remain hopeful one day I can.

A few further observations ...
While 'economic conditions' are v important to understanding political expressions (Andre: 'Far right groups are likely to grow during times of high unemployment. Minority groups will be scapegoated and blamed for delays & difficulties in getting life back to normal ...
... and people back into work'), as many others have observed, 'economic anxiety' is often a euphemism for white resentment & generalised xenophobia; the relevant Q, in my view, is why these conditions & anxieties take the particular form that they do. Also, it wrogn >
> in my view, to attribute primary responsibility for circulation of racist & fascist discourse to Working Class Bloke Who Just Lost His Job. Leaving aside the usual Qs, many of the yoof joining in these groupuscules come from nice, middle class fams; by same token >
> some of staunchest anTEEfa I know are v familiar w poverty / joblessness / homelessness, but (for var reasons) they rarely get a guernsey.

tl; dr : yeah, these nazi kvnce are marginal -- it's our jerb to keep 'em that way, which includes articulating beta alternatives.
la di dah ... la di dah
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