probleamtic tweet but valid: I remember 2016 america legalized gay marriage and we were in class and for the first time gayness became an issue that people discuss and everyone was talking about how insane this is and how this is the beginning of the end for usa and in my head -
I thought there will never be a time in my lifetime where someone here will be able to openly have an opposite opinion (which is again so so many flawed understandings here. I don't even think I felt bad about that. It was just a thought I had. A sort of prediction/observation)
and like four years down the road there is a tweet like this with thousands of rts. it is insane to me
not to say that this is necessarily a good or bad thing. but the facts that its happening I would have never in a million years believed in that moment
also not to say thag there was nothing before 2016 and thats when this conversation started .. the conversation was definitely there and for the longest time.. but not in the "mainstream" or whatever we call it like this
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