I'm genuinely not convinced Ozma reincarnated into Ozpin immediately after the King died
First and foremost, yes, it was basically confirmed Ozma was the King if you listen to what has been said:

1) Ozpin's predecessor created the schools

2) Oz was involved in the creation of these schools

3) The King of Vale helped build the schools after the Great War ended
Now, back to why I don't think Ozma went from King to child prodigy:

1) Ozpin was far too young

2) The war ended 80 years before

3) I think it's safe to say the King was middle-aged (45-65) when the war ended
Regarding Ozpin's age, he's been said to be the youngest person to ever become headmaster.

Because of that, and how he looked to be roughly the same age as Qrow when he was alive, becoming headmaster at 19-20 sounds like a reasonable guess.
Ozpin died when Yang was 18 and Qrow's known him for about 22 years up until then, so if I'm right, he died when he was 41-42, maybe 43.

If that's the case, then the King of Vale would've needed to live one hell of a long life for a reincarnation like that to make sense.
When the show started, Ozpin said the war ended 80 years before.

Say the King is minimum 45 years old, 65 max, and Ozpin really was 42 -- the King's minimum age at death would be 83. His maximum age would be 123.
And since Ozpin already knew everything by the time he became headmaster, Ozma wouldn't have reincarnated into Ozpin after the fact, so while he was 18 or younger.

Back to the King:
Considering the possibility of the King sustaining crippling injuries and/or getting an illness/disease, the King most definitely having his fair share of enemies, and how Remnant is recovering from a global war, it would make absolutely no sense if the King lived past 70 or 80--
--let alone to 123.

It would make more sense if Ozma reincarnated once or twice before becoming Ozpin, maybe even three times since he could literally reincarnate and have that reincarnation die, like, a day later.
Idk if I'm making any sense since I have a terrible migraine but it makes total sense to me 😂

Hopefully it doesn't sound like I'm spouting random bullshit cuz I've been thinking about this for an hour straight and I couldn't be convinced of it more
Ngl I only made this thread cuz the RWBY wiki says Ozma reincarnated into Ozpin after the King died without any proof so I felt the need to share my thoughts
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