Although David was a man after God’s own heart, let’s not overlook how his sins cost him, his family, and ultimately Israel dearly.
He desired to do God’s will, yes, but he was also human and made some terrible mistakes. Let’s not erase the lessons we can learn from his failures because “he was a man after God’s own heart.”
Being a person after God’s own heart doesn’t excuse their moral failures.
David’s disobedience resulted in the deaths of so many people. Had Uriah killed after raping and impregnating his wife, didn’t defend his daughter after she was raped, which triggered his son into a rebellion. It’s a mess.
I’m not trying to beat up on David, but I am cautioning you all from idolizing him and acting like he’s a standard. Cherish his heart for God, yes, but please don’t repeat or model his actions lol. Please dead that.
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