27. what Lana del Ray said wasn't racist, so many ethnic minorities today just fish for reasons to be offended and to be a victim when most the time they barely experience the racism they're always crying about. real victim complexes
28. what we have in society now isn't capitalism even though that's what's its labelled as. it's just a twisted system that uses the worst of capitalism and the worst of socialism
29. so many people here just want to have a mental illness. being sad because you lose in a game isnt depression, wanting things to be clean isn't OCD and remembering a bad day from your past isn't PTSD.
30. being fat isn't cool. stop trying to normalise it because it'll only end up with more fat people which put a strain on resources and on society
31. the Olympics should allow any type of drugs. it's supposed to be the peak of human athleticism, using PEDs will only increase the level of competition
32. if the father wanted to abort a child but the mother didnt listen, he shouldn't have to pay child support
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