
For @Repub_moral_cop

Not only does it have trouble with English, it thinks I'm two people.
It also thinks that procreation is what passes on COVID-19.


My guess is this person has never experienced the act that often leads to procreation.
Today's been interesting in that I see frenzied panic on the part of the entire anti- @realDonaldTrump political continuum, from establishment Democrats to progressives to entities like this.
As God is my witness, everyone is again talking about...wait for it...polls.

As we all know, the 2016 polls were spot on, right?


The thing about Trump is he somehow makes people forget their own moments of lucidity.
Pollsters figured out exactly why the polls were off in 2016.

There were three reasons:
1. People changed their minds at the last second.
2. Trump supporters refuse to take part in surveys.
3. People who never voted before are on no lists, so they can't be polled.
Guess what?


Pollsters are powerless to do anything about them.

And they'll be EVEN MORE in play during the 2020 election.
@parscale has shown us that a massive number of Democrats and people who never voted before are attending Trump rallies.

And the fence sitters in 2016 had a MUCH MORE DIFFICULT decision to make than the fence sitters in 2020.
Trump was an unknown quantity.

Hillary was polarizing.

This time around, Trump has a PROVEN economic record, and Biden is the most famous nonentity of all time.
When Trump met with black leaders at the Ford plant, he invited Michigan DEMOCRATIC state congresswoman Karen Whitsett, and she described to him the help that he could offer.

Very straightforward. He asked for input, and she gave it.
The fatal mistake the Democrats are making is excusing every single maniacal outburst by Joe Biden.
See, the "You ain't black" isn't the worst part.

The interviewer simply said, "We have a lot more questions."

Biden replied with, "You have no right to ask me questions. Come on, man!"

And it's excused as "feisty."
Biden has ALWAYS been a belligerent weirdo.

But we never had a crisis like COVID-19, so the decision this time around will be much easier.

It's not the time to elect a belligerent weirdo with an endearing little habit of groping children and sniffing their hair.
The final factor is mail-in ballots.

It turns out that in THIS cycle, they benefit Republicans.

Young people have never used the postal service. Some of them check their mail less than once a month.

They actually GET no mail.
And you may not have noticed, but there are massive federal and state task forces cracking down all over the country.

Nobody knows how many federal law-enforcement retirees went back to work on a volunteer basis.
Nobody knows how many federal law-enforcement agents from all the federal executive departments are on temporary assignment to other departments.

Remember all the violent protests in 2017?

TONS of videos showed that people were not who they seemed.
Problems were taken care of.

And now Trump has given all his department heads the authority to waive red tape at their own discretion.

Did you see Trump at the Ford plant?

They made all that medical equipment from scratch.
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