Trust me, we have tried, but we literally have no idea how to train a dog to literally stop barking.

QT'ing so we can literally ask for tips especially when the sister keeps excusing her dog's behavior with "he's a dog he doesn't know the difference,"
Seriously, it annoys us too, and the worse part of it is more that nobody listens in this house, and when they do, they get too impatient after, like, *a month* and it gets worse.
Example of this: we told them once a few years back "hey, (the mother's dog) will continue begging for food, why don't we try ignoring it for now?" and...the above is exactly what happened.

She now barks and begs when she doesn't get food and they still sometimes oblige.
Just so everyone is aware of what we're trying to get around, *if that's even an acceptable thing* here.

We don't kmow if it is, and we will delete this thread if it somehow isn't and we missed that.
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