red rangers ranked by how much i think they respect lesbians: a thread
there are no numbers this is an anarchy ranking. sorry if i forget anyone but also i don't care so nvm im not sorry. beast morphers red excluded due to series not being completed. ranking from least respect to most respect
leo would use the d word
wes asks who’s the man in the relationship and also watches girl on girl porn
jason tells girls in bars that he can change their minds
tyler is gay and homophobic
carter is vocally supportive but privately doesn’t understand why he has to be + sometimes bitches about how the world is too pc nowadays
andros is clumsily supportive but “doesn’t get why slurs are harmful” or smth equally dumbass
nick can’t be homophobic he has a gay friend (vida)
tommy was a good sport about kim breaking up with him to date aisha and u know what? that’s a win for wlw so... he’s an ally.
lauren is in the middle of this list bc internalized homophobia exists
cole is son boy allowed. he doesn’t know what’s happening and we should leave him out of it.
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