so! today it was finally sunny and i got to inspect my bees for the first time since i installed the frames from the nuc almost two weeks ago!! #SWBeeK 🐝

(alt: video looking down at a beehive with eight frames. bees are moving across the frames and flying in and out of frame)
first i geared up! i have a full suit but tbh it’s hot as hell to wear and it makes me hella clumsy, so i opted for my veil and my gloves (and ngl i abandoned one glove because i couldn’t feel my fingers or take pics to review)
i removed the top cover and was rewarded with the glorious sight of my girls, hard at work! bees can tell when you’re afraid of them (i swear i think it’s pheromones) so i greeted them. they don’t want to hurt you; if they sting you, they die
to inspect the hive, you take a peek at what’s going on across each frame. this is called a brood box because it’s where the brood of baby bees is being created. in these pics, you can see the larvae in various stages of development. the third pic even has a tiny baby bee face!
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