Meeting Park Bom: A thread. Because we need some postivity up in here ♥️ (I’m sorry my tense keeps changing lol.) @haroobomkum @PARKBOMdnation #ParkBom #2NE1 #Bomshell
Park Bom 2NE1
Park Bom beautiful
Park Bom legend
Park Bom Queen of Kpop
I had tickets for her Tokyo fanmeeting on 22nd August 2019. The first 100 people in line would get a photo opportunity with Bom. SO of course my ass is up at 4am and on trains to the venue asap.
When I arrived my friends were there already and we were about 10th in line. We waited 4 hours and yes. It rained too. Lol. At noon they started bringing out the goods to buy and the tickets for the photo op. Being 10th in line getting that was no problem!
Each time you bought a goods set you got a postcard. On the back of this card was a letter. 15-30 people were randomly chosen for special prizes. I pulled the handshake with Bom and the autograph session with Bom!! So by now I had 3 separate chances to meet her face to face.
I literally couldn’t believe I managed to do that. I am not a lucky person at all and to have randomly pulled two prizes?? I was feeling blessed. Everything would take place after the show so we went inside to take our seats.
The fanmeeting was so amazing. Japan never allows cameras, it’s so annoying! But she interacted with her fans & kept walking through the audience. She played several games & sang her songs & I was genuinely emotional the entire time. I think that would be an entire new thread!
We had banners and she saw them all and started crying. She was so happy to see them and she had to take a minute to compose herself. Soft baby angel queen.
Now. Here’s where it gets amazing. Bom had a challenge on stage. Decorate 2 wind chimes in just 2 minutes each with colour markers. So she starts laughing and scribbling on the wind chimes saying ‘I can’t draw! I can’t draw!!!’ She also wrote a hand written note on the paper.
Then the MC came out with a box full of all the audiences ticket stubs. She mixed them up and pulled 2 out. I heard my seat number and I FROZE. Suddenly a staff member was beside me ushering me out my chair and up the steps. (There was one more girl chosen too!)
So before I had a chance to register wtf was happening . There I am on the stage in front of the MC and Park Bom. She was so so beautiful and the lights were reflecting off her dress and I had eyes full of tears and my body kinda felt like I was floating?? Shooketh.
I felt kinda nervous looking at her directly in the eye but she was looking at me directly. She realised I wasn’t Japanese. The MC asked me my name where I was from in Japanese. I answered Katie from the UK. Bom smiles switched to English ‘Katie.. ah! UK! I like Harry Potter!’
It was so cute. She then said in her perfect English ‘How are you?’ And I stupidly blurted out ‘I’m fine’ Lol she smiles and handed me the box with the windchime and then she made a comment about my makeup but I didn’t hear it properly and she said ‘Thank you Katie’
I left the stage SHAKING and crying. I was overwhelmed. I had been right in front of her and she said my name. Blessed blessed blessed. After the fanmeeting was over Bom waited in the hall and all the audience was led past her one by one and we could give her a high five!
Back in the lobby lottery winners were lined up. First small group was handshake. We were led back to Bom. This time for a hand shake and a small talk. She saw me and was like ‘Katiieeeee’ in this cute voice and she thanked me for coming. I bowed and said you’re amazing Bom.
On a high of ‘Bom remembered my name’ I got led back in the lobby and I realise the autograph session group had already been moved to another room. Apparently it already started. So I start worrying. I showed a staff member my winning postcard and he had to rush me there!
Im there last and Bom thought she was done but this guy is like wait there’s one more! And Bom looks at me and is like ‘Katie!!! Again!!’ She signed my lightstick. I said ‘I was very lucky today’ she smiled and agreed and she handed back the lightstick and thanked me again.
I managed to blurt out something along the lines of thank you for everything as another staff member ushered me out. Next I was in the lobby again. It was time for photos! There was a bit of a wait. I assume Bom was freshening up. Same girl same. Mascara tears everywhere.
We were led into the room with Bom. Her staff had polaroid cameras. I watched many cute fans take pictures. It was so nice seeing them all happy. When I got to Bom she looked kinda surprised but smiled and was like hiiiii. We posed for the photo. She put her hand on my shoulder.
We posed, they took the photo and then I gave her a hug and blurted out something about how words cannot express how much she means to me. And she said Thank you and I said Thank you and then I was ushered away again by staff who clearly thought I was hanging around too long. Lol
I went to eat lunch after that still shaking. I then went back for the afternoon fanmeeting session where she played a bunch of different games including pictionary and a guess the song game. She had new outfits in the afternoon too! It was really really fun!
I’m still not over it. Probably never will be. She’s amazing. I couldn’t believe the woman I’d been inspired by for ten years was right there saying my name and thanking ME??! I love Park Bom!! ♥️
You can follow @Katie_2NE1.
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