@SpeakerPelosi @waltshaub @RWPUSA @sfpelosi I am extremely sorry for hurting people with ( as i have) weight issues in support of Spk Pelosi's jibe at Trump's 'morbid obesity'. I let my anger and fear get the better of me and didn't see and indeed supported the comments.
Shaming another- for overweight is just wrong on so many levels- 1. There are a myriad of reasons people have health let alone size issues and as a young med student ( hence I should have been better) shadowed Dr Randolph whose papers listed many reasons we may be a size XXL
It can be family culture a medical condition emotional related nutrition available and it is NOT wrong. It just is. Out society prizes the skinny white girl now expanded to skinny women of color. I know this- the effects of this pressure are seen in anorexia and bulimia
I have a family member with this. This also becomes- a racial issue. Indigenous peoples have high rates of obesity diabetes hypertension and this is well studied in Hawaiians- Damn how did I end up losing this thread? The refined carb diet non traditional foods has been
dreadful for Hawaiians who also lost their lifestyle under white missionary rule. In Kona I sheltered in our medical home- local people some very large and very ill- who often ended up in ER where- it depended-
the white male docs refused anything to do with them
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