ok imma find out what is d.a.r.e. bc it seems fishy
ok so its an anti drug campaign in america for schools during the 80's n its so useless it actually encouraged students to do drugs instead bc all that happened during the campaign was students are to be in a room as some adult nagged about how bad drugs are and to "just say no"
children who didnt know about drugs in the first place nor thought about doing it, got curious and wanted to try drugs instead after the program aka the boomerang effect. like u want to clean ur room but when your mom tells u to clean your room u just go like no i dont wanna
it lasted all the way until the early 90's bc adults of that time were so against drugs they were drugphobic lmao and they said tHiS cAmPAiGn wOrKs oKaY even though there were already piling evidence on how ineffective d.a.r.e. is
parents be like mY kiDS cAn leaRN hOW tO sAY nO to dRUgs tHru d.A.r.E sO dOnt abOLisH iT when in reality whats going on is that the children were all so bored bc all they did was sit there. but parents dont care right lmao all they do is eat propaganda n worship the lion mascot
and d.a.r.e. received hella lots of funding from the government. imagine earning millions for years even though youre a failure... i want that too. in simpler terms, america was paying lots of money for the number of drug users to increase. anyway its just a white elephant
what replaced d.a.r.e. was a program called Keepin it R.E.A.L., r.e.a.l. for refuse, explain, avoid and leave. its a program that is wayyyy more interactive for the students tht are participating. there were group discussions, presentations and so on. one study published that
r.e.a.l. is very effective in curbing the number of drug users. which might be understandable because students were actively participating instead of sitting there with your eyes struggling to remain open
it kinda struck me how similar d.a.r.e. is to the anti smoking and drug campaigns in malaysia. just that the ceramah happens once every few years.
all students do is sit there for an hour or more, with some guy and a powerpoint presentation with pictures of white lungs black lungs. at the front rows are students actually listening to the penceramah, middle rows are the students dozing off, and the back row is like a market
all they talk about is the health complications that smoking cause. as if malaysians actually care about their own health in the first place. if they did there wouldnt be so many deaths from cardiovascular diseases annually.
this isnt about smoking drug bad, its about the ineffectiveness of these programs. on the surface, it seems nice, telling students about the negative side effects of smoking, how its a waste of money, teach students to say no when offered a cig etc. but it just doesnt work
ok fine lets talk about drugs. in malaysia, people who consumed drugs are mainly influenced by their peers. peer pressure. not by family factors. the peeps who want to be accepted in the social circle. one who would do anything to be accepted. hippy trendy people.
now put hippy trendy people in a room with quiet nerdy people and start a one hour long talk about drugs. who will listen to the penceramah and who wont? if you start doing drugs, the hippy people will accept u. if u dont do drugs, who will accept u? the penceramah???
so what we gonna do??? idk im tired to think of a solution. my brain flew to modern parenting cultures in malaysia and im now not interested in this thread anymore bye. stream punch

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