We watched a Disney+ film called Treasure of Matecumbe had the "outdated cultural depictions" warning and were like, ok, it will be natives of this island called Matecumbe, right, that will be it
The film opens and it's the reconstruction-era south, the main little boy is a plantation owner and friends with a former slave child, whose arc revolves around learning the importance of getting an education. We're like, ohh noo, I guess THAT'S what the warning was about
On the trail for this treasure, the boys encounter a snake oil salesman who dresses as a Native American and speaks a gibberish language. The boys do it too to earn passage on his boat. We're like, oh..... so THIS, too, then.
They take the snake oil salesman to go find the protagonist's uncle, only to find that the uncle has run afoul of... the actual KKK, who are doing a cross burning. We're like, well... ok, I guess THIS TOO.
Then they get to matecumbe. Anyway you'll be shocked to learn how that goes
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