1/ Okay. @chaneyj’s @vulture piece sent me into a tailspin back to 2010. I’m literally digging through ye olde interwebs and finding stuff from finale time, 10 years hence. Join me, won’t you?
3/ Even @johnbarth FINALLY thought I was cool.
4/ But in a futile (SO FAR, INTERWEBS!) search for actual photographic evidence of our kick-ass tony Adams-Morgan (that’s for all you OG @LloydGrove fans out there) Lost Finale Happy Hour, I came upon this sad fail from the @washingtonpost servers:
5/ Here’s one thing I do remember about that happy hour. I was ONE THOUSAND months pregnant and so was not able to get pleasantly buzzed with our core Lost/Celebritology gang. I also vaguely remember a costume contest. And prizes. And speechifying.
6/ Happy hour may be gone forever, but I did discover that at one time I had some setting enabled that turned EVERY SINGLE @celebritology post into a Facebook “memo.” LOL on the early attempt to be the one platform to rule them all, Zucky!
7/ Exhibit No. 1: The first graf or so of our finale analysis.
8/ But because we were multi-faceted bloggers, we also wrote about other important stuff. Like Exhibit No. 2, this Memorial Day 2010 Friday List of Hot Geeks. :::shakes head:::
9/ Still no Pulitzer for that. Butm in all, it makes me supremely happy that @chaneyj and I had that magical four years to write about what still remains one of the best shows ever made. It changed our lives.
10/ And to put life into Lost terms, the last decade has felt a bit like a flash forward. Just a month and a few days after the finale, my life changed in multiple ways. In June 2010, I gave birth to this guy: Desmond. Yes I did.
11/ Desmond is now 10 and hasn’t yet met his Penny, but we obviously keep our eyes peeled.
12/ And less than a year later I got all restless and left Celebritology and Jen and DC altogether and moved to the desert to get into community journalism with @gburton and the fine journalists at @MyDesert.
13/ I would smile to myself every time I met someone who loved Lost and remembered the blog and the little role in its cosmology that Jen and I had. Like @Sammy_Roth - one of the finest environmental journalists in the world who, along with @rozmurph, creates @TheHatchPodcast
14/ And of course, I am so FUCKING PROUD of @chaneyj and the work she continues to do in TV criticism and being my GenX constant and writing books and just generally making me smile and laugh.
15/ And because time is a flat circle and the world is small, we both work at @voxmedia now and that feels right. Especially because it means we share the same Slack galaxy and are back to DMing on the regular.
16/ But I would still like to find pictures of that happy hour, dammit.
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