wrt to solo dev discourse I would like to offer a counterpoint to "game music composed by the developer is inherently more effective because the developer has the deepest/most intimate understanding of their game and can best translate it to music" (popularized by this vid)
the game composer's whole job and skillset is understanding the game and how to translate it effectively to music
the barrier in communicating the artistic vision from dev to composer is of no concern at all, because a skilled composer is fully equipped to surmount that barrier
this probably applies to other disciplines too
in general I dislike this idea that adding people to a team distorts the pure, singular creative vision of the developer
there are usually people more able to express parts of that vision than the developer is themselves
yes there are some really great soundtracks composed by the developers, but these are almost all devs who are already experienced composers
no one should ever think the *only* way to get the result they're imagining/dreaming of is to do it themselves
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