(Thread) Many people go on and on saying that speaking harshly or in any way aggressive isn't right (including myself in the past), that this isn't how we correct others no matter how in error they may be. We are to do it it gentleness and meekness.
Well there is an aspect to that yes, if a person is wiling to learn and hear the truth, if they are of a spirit that you can speak to then yes of course in meekness instructing them.
But if they are belligerent, or fighting, or are refusing to hear what you are saying and are only promoting their belief with no willingness to hear, then meekness is to be dropped.
Rebuking heresy only comes AFTER attempts have been made to correct the error.
The Word of God reproves, REBUKES, and exhorts.
"love everyone for everything, because love will correct the heretics" - this is just unbiblical liberalism nonsense, because people don't like to be told their wrong, and that society dictates that everyone be allowed their opinion even when they are wrong.
Well that goes against Biblical Truth and Teaching, because when a person is unwilling to hear the truth then they are to be warned by the truth and then rejected. Of course not in anger, but in harshness, because it is a rebuke, not done in anger but to be done in seriousness.
Insisting on your own opinion and ideology is wrong, unbiblical, arrogant and causes error to rise in the seek for True Biblical examples and Doctrine.
If you wan't to talk about True Biblical accuracy and Biblical examples, throughout the New Testament you will see many times Jesus harshly rebuking the Pharisees and Sadducees, and many others calling down harsh rebuke against those that oppose the truth.
And you will see that Christ and the Apostles would only go so far in meekness when dealing with heretics and opposer's of the truth.
How about the Apostle Paul himself dealing with one who would not stop promoting false teaching?
That wasn't very meek and humble and spoken in love, so why would he say such a thing? Because Elymas the Sorcerer was promoting false doctrine and swaying the minds of the hearers to error and heresy.
This had to be stopped and spoken against, and only when one is fighting against the truth is there an allowance to speak against them. And the same went for the Pharisees and others like them.
“But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant.”
~ 1 Corinthians 14:38 đź’’
There will be many times where you will come across individuals that just love to argue and bicker a point that just doesn't seem to make sense.
The mean is crystal clear, the point is blatantly obvious, but they just either don’t or can’t seem to get it, or that they just don’t want to see it.
This attitude and characteristic is spoken of multiple times in Scripture, and it also says how we are to treat those that behave in this manner.
The Bible says that these ones do not have the understanding and that you are wasting your efforts, that if they will not hear you then you should just stop and leave them alone.
Otherwise you will only find yourself in a heated battle of trying to win the argument and not the soul.
Therefore choose what is more important to you, making your point and winning the debate, or spreading the Word of God and seeking to edify and teach Christ?
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