can y’all please help me convince my parents to let us foster a dog
reasons we should: we have watched my uncles dog for as long as two weeks multiple times and took very good care of her, based on my own personal findings in my social science research study titled
“The Cat’s Out of the Bag: A Study Examining Association Between Pets and Their Effect on Happiness and Physical Well-Being.” (which got third place overall) and based on other (professional) studies, having pets around improve the life satisfaction and physical wellbeing of the
owner. also i believe fostering a dog is an overall good thing to do. i’m aware that i will probably get attached and i have fully prepared myself for when we will have to give the dog back. every day there are many hours where i am sitting in my room doing nothing. having a
foster dog would obviously help as i would walk, care for, and play with the dog in my free time. i also think it could help me and my sisters fight less because the times we watched my uncles dog and the times we cared for my neighbors dog when she gets out we fight less
reasons we shouldn’t foster a dog:
thank you for your time
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