Hi. Someone DM-ed me about my edits being reposted by pages from other sns platforms😊. So I searched through it awhile ago. It's a good thing tho, bc it shows that #SEVENTEEN's amazing lyrics is getting appreciated by more people. But there's something that makes me a bit sad..
I saw posts putting additional elements on my video edit, tries to crop/cover my logo, and doesn't provide the link of the orig tweet. I'm not saying all pages do that, bc I know some who asks permission first before they repost my edits & even sends me the link of their posts.
I don't know if i'm just being really sensitive about this matter but these video edits are precious to me. I spent all my time, effort, and heart in creating these edits to convey SEVENTEEN's lyrics as effective as possible.
I'm not after the number of followers and likes for this account. The only reason why i created this account is to share @pledis_17's amazing lyrics and give comfort to my fellow CARATs through my edits. That's it.
I really don't know how to handle this but all i know is I'm just sad about the fact that my works appears to be being owned/claimed by someone else, without even my knowing.
I'm sorry if this thread may have brought bad vibes to your newsfeed. I just can't help but express my sadness over this matter. I'm really sorry.
You can follow @yoursvtmood.
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