People today are talking about who are the safe or unsafe people in RPGs and it honestly terrifies me.
If you say "X is safe/unsafe" or "X is an abuser" I either stop taking you seriously or I am scared of you.
Your ability to statically label people as simply being or not being permanently morally compromised demonstrates a failure to consider people complexly or recognise change.
I fear the day my behaviour, a result of my own complex life, contravenes your morality, a result of your complex life, and you, with your clarity, deem me compromised from there on out.
I fear the violence you will inflict on me once I am deemed compromised.
Those that use this language talk about justice as if when someone has done wrong they have to pay for it but no amounting of payment is ever enough for them or, indeed, for many trangressions. We can't live like this.
We have to learn to live with our crimes and the crimes of others. Not to ignore or forgive them or pretend they never happened, but to live with them and continue to treat each other as human and as genuinely valuable despite our flaws or mistakes.
When you conflate those who have committed transgressions in the past with those who continue to actively do harm in an ongoing way, when you simply label them all sinners, you create a tool with which to kill.
You create a tool with which to end the existence of a person as a moral being in your own eyes. And once they are ended as such, you permit violence against them.
Who does this benefit? Who does this harm? It surely doesn't harm those who don't care about morality, those who continue to abuse others because they have no respect for the other. Those people continue to thrive because they were never beholden to our laws to begin with.
But those who, in their hearts and actions, are engaged with an ongoing struggle to do good, care for others, and make the world a better place? When they misstep and draw your ire, when you declare them compromised, they are the ones that are harmed.
They are left with no recourse but to either give up their morality, or to walk into the desert and never be seen again, or to spend eternity grovelling at your feet simply because your own crimes have so far remained unseen.
And if you believe you are without such unseen sin, it is you I fear most of all.
It is foolish to believe without evidence that a person will change.
Those who do harm should repent & make what amends they can.
I hope this thread has been clear on the delineation between those who err and repent vs those who continue to do ongoing harm.

Those who can't tell the difference are the ones that scare me.
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