And surprise, sur-fucking-prise - those shills and "anonymous sources" seem to have come to life again...
Noting the cited @DailyMailUK article (based on Mary Wakefield's piece in the @spectator on 25 April) repeatedly states Cummings was at their *London* home:
It's unclear if the Secretary of State *for Health & Social Care* has just #unilaterally #overridden both current #medical advice & the Government #lockdown for parents - his tweet 👇 certainly seems to suggest so - but, oh boy, the ratio is brutal!
As are some of the critiques...

(I can't say I always agree with @piersmorgan, but he does sometimes hit the nail on the head.)
It seems I'm not the only one following the inexorable logic of @BorisJohnson's, @MattHancock's and other Cabinet ministers' defence of #Cummings' actions:

Unless they really ARE saying "It's one rule for us...'?
I do like it when journalists with domain expertise point out the pertinent facts:
How have we arrived at a place where @number10cat is plainly speaking more sense than @10DowningStreet itself?!


"Oh what a tangled web we weave..."
WRT earlier tweet on #ratios, someone really should give the Cabinet some top-up @Twitter training...
...while @MattHancock & @oliverdowden (the former and current 'digital' Secretary) are clearly a lost cause, maybe @AlokSharma could retrieve things, as he builds up a following?
The one anomaly ( #BubbleEffect?) appears to be @Jacob_Rees_Mogg who - while toeing the party line, using the same logic and even some of the same words - managed to dodge the same #ratio as his colleagues.

Until Cummings has become goings, this [Thread] - like this car crash of a news cycle for the Gov't - rumbles on.

@BorisJohnson & his pals routinely ignore the public & expert advice, but when the twice-Chairman of the #ERG 👇 is calling for your head...
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