Fixed it for you, @nytimes.
Fixed it for you, @nytimes.
Fixed it for you, @washingtonpost.
Fixed it for you, @nytimes.
Fixed it for you, @nytimes.
Fixed it for you, @axios.
A year ago, when Trump told multiple members of Congress, all citizens, all women of color, to go back where they came from, this was my plea to the press. It has...not panned out.
Barely a stretch to say Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the MSM headline would be like, "PROJECTING STRENGTH, TRUMP TESTS CAMPAIGN HYPOTHETICAL."
Pro-Trump media bias isn't limited to topsy turvy headlines. It's ingrained in cable news coverage decisions as well.
Fixed it for you, @WSJ.
🎶Whoooah we're half way there...
Fixed it for you, @WSJ.
Fixed it for you, @nytimes.
Fixed it for you, @politico.
Fixed it for you, @thehill.
You can follow @brianbeutler.
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