Okay. Boom. Here’s a mini thread for my creators on a budget:

Backdrops and cheap lighting for photography/videography...LEGO.
When I first started taking content creating serious. I was broke.99

Here is a video of my original set up. Didn’t cost me over $100 that’s with all of my lighting, camera, backdrop, and editing software.
The backdrop: I remember years ago on HGTV a couple creating lawn chairs using pvc pipe from Home Depot and I thought...what else can I make with PVC pipe. Start I started my googles and Pinterest search and saw a party planner...
Who used PVC pipe to create a photo booth backdrop. I took the same concept and created a smaller version to use in my room. Along with the purchase of dollar clamps from Home Depot and scrap fabric from Hobby lobby
Not the original video I saw but here is one:

Also it cost me a total of $15 for the pipes and a pvc cutter.
I originally purchased this to display some merch and clothes on it so it can be in the background of my videos but then I thought...BOOM! I can use this $8 stand. Buy $1 clamps, and some old fabric, and use it as a backdrop...plus it rolls.
Now on to lighting. For those who don’t have access to a ring light or good natural lighting.

I purchased $1 white bulbs from dollar tree and flood lights, originally from Home Depot, but they’re cheaper on acehardware: https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lighting-and-electrical/work-and-shop-lights/portable-lights/3810645?x429=true&gclid=CjwKCAjw8J32BRBCEiwApQEKgT9LLVdm6b1viKNmMWU0TV74QeHooyv60dsCSQ6u_JDuL5pqZhLzSxoCC10QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
If this was helpful or if you know someone who could use these tips. Don’t be crab...RT 🔌
You can follow @realjayelaine.
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