i just think that there is a societal difference between a poor kid who doesn't have everything others have and a kid growing up surrounded by gang violence. growing up in a neighborhood you can't take school friends to because their parents say it's not safe hits different.
mainly tho i think people need to check their privilege. im a white girl, so even though i grew up in an unsafe environment, shit for me could've been worse. however; i do know what the constant feeling of never being fully safe is like and i am very tired of people better off
than me explaining to me that they understand where im coming from. a lot of people who have grown up in ghetto areas are very tired of having their never ending struggle compared like that. i think this is where the common "You're invalidating MY struggle" debate comes in.
no one is saying you've never struggled, HOWEVER, growing up pay check to pay check surrounded by r/pe and gangs is a lot different than you going on hard times.

hard times implies that there were good times, there have never been good times for us.
i hope to god this thread never gets popular, because for whatever reason people like to speak over poor people, but fuck am i tired of the people above me.
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