Garden Friend or Garden Foe: the good the bad, the ugly

1. Squash Vine Borer moth
Status: FOE
It's a moth
It's a day flyer
And like a day walking vampire it's babies will suck the life out of you ('re squash plants)
Eggs are red and stuck to the stems. Ew.
2. Ladybug
Status: FRIEND

Eats soft bodied bad bugs like aphids and smol caterpillars. Is adorbs bc looks like candy. Can be ordered online.
3. Cucumber Beetle

Status: FOE
Wait it looks like a ladybug?

Yeah well tough titty, you have to learn to tell the difference bc this one will DESTROY your cucumbers and anything else it wants bc it carries WILT DISEASE and also eats the leaves
Put Diatomaceous Earth b4 u starv
4. Assassin Bug

Status: Ugly friends

They assassinate plant eating asshole bugs. Need I say more?
5. Asshole bug *ahem* aphids

Status: Foe

Teeny tiny satans. They come in all the colors. They eat all the things. They poop sugar so ants farm them and protect them like cattle. Ants are easier to see so it's the alarm that aphids are afoot.
6. Flea beatles

Status: foe

Stupid beetly bodies that eat your leaves and grubby worm babies that eat your roots. Any questions? They aren't fleas they just move like fleas. *shudder*
7. Bees

Status: best friend
Not just honeybees all bees....and wasps...and hornets. Sorry. It's true. There's a whole chart. Don't touch the butt.
8. Cabbage looper

Status: fuc..uh..foe

Dont let its name fool you. It will eat things other than cabbage. Like..everything. fact is inch wormy types are gonna eat it all. It's light drawn as a moth as an adult so you cab bug zapper them. Use BT for wormies.
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