I feel so empty
Today is making me rethink life
I actually should live like it's my last day
Can't I don't know when my days will end
So I might as well live life to the fullest
I need to become a better person before I'm just known as the asshole no one liked
I really should
Today was a really upsetting day
It ended well but I'm still kinda sad
While I'm not gonna fully vent cause who the fuck cares
I guess all I have to say is
I'm gonna do my best to be remembered by what I want to be remembered by
Maybe even better
I need to believe in myself
If I don't then what's the real point
So from this day on
I'm gonna try my best to be positive
So if that day just so happens to come
I'll be remembered by how important I was

Sorry for posting this thread I just needed to say that
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