What's most shocking to me is that our "experts" & tyrant state & local officials have too much pride to admit they were wrong.

Is COVID real? Yes

Is it contagious? Yes

Is it dangerous? Yes

Was an initial 15 day to "slow the spread" GUIDELINE appropriate? Yes

But ...

It seems to have a life cycle similar to the flu & appears to disproportionately affect seniors & those w/comorbidities.

No data supports lockdowns, masks or quarantine for rhe healthy.

No data at this point justifies shunning prophylactic treatment w/HCQ+Z-pak+Zinc.

No data supports school or business closures.

Most resources should have gone to nursing homes & hospitals while testing was developed.

1st responders & nursing home employees immediately put on HCQ cocktail.

Test those in reg contact w/elderly, at-risk & symptomatic.

Set forth hygiene guidelines & keep people informed while monitoring for "hotspots."

Expect flare-ups & treat as necessary.

Initial "15 days to slow the spread" should have been sufficient - and not mandatory.

No political bills - either way.

People asked will be far more cooperative than those forced.

We're seeing this was largely mishandled. But pride & greed have prevented those in charge from admitting mistakes & letting us move on. That is, perhaps, the worst part if this.

An election year prompted errors.

Those who did the modeling failed.

Those who made predictions failed.

Those who shut their states failed.

Those who censored dissenting scientific opinions failed.

Social media failed.

Plenty of blame to go around. Put away the pride, loose the chains, and OPEN.

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