Joining the AAIMH Vic live webinar with 60 others. Hearing about mentalisation based therapeutic work to improve attunement between parents and infants via Teleconferencing. Can we observe "good enough parenting" & snapshots of interactions suggesting unfolding secure attachment?
Genuine respectful work is key. Will Telehealth overcome some of the barriers to accessing sessions that many parents face? Could supplement face-to-face therapeutic care. Waiting lists have dropped, perhaps reflecting that it will take time for people to adjust to this modality?
We can acknowledge the baby, include & relate to them through teleconferencing. Having a conversation where the baby is not seen, might reflect they aren't being held in mind. Using a mobile device allows parents to move through their homes, responding to caregiving needs & cues
Restoring childhood program @berrystreet applies a family violence framework to reduce risk factors, whilst offering a therapeutic program to parents & children. Team rituals & reflective practice have supported staff to work remotely amidst the massive changes & challenges
Huge number of new referrals during the pandemic have required rapid adaptations of intake processes & practice - enabling ongoing work. Most of the women & children have experienced a recent family violence event, in addition to the increased stress of the pandemic.
Essence of virtual work-what can be seen in the tunnel of the screen to invite playful interactions? Use of psychoeducational toys (wearing masks) & books generates metaphors & conversations about what is happening. Avoid stress of #stillface expression-try not to "watch" screen
Adapt the frame of the therapy - use of shorter sessions timed to child's daily rhythm & caregiving needs. Creative use of the camera to meet children's needs - windows open into comforting & play spaces - children can use transitional objects when their caregivers move in & out
Working from one's home environment can be very hard for some clinicians given boundary & privacy issues. What is the impact of hearing traumatic stories whilst sitting in what is usually your "safe place." How many virtually connected people feel less connected & overstretched?
Lovely poetic narrative by Meredith Banks. Shifting societal norms over time, interwoven with powerful descriptive anecdotes. Not being able to "be present", to know people will be OK,can exacerbate concerns re risks, lack of holding & isolation of families as services"step back"
Terrific to see people from all over the country participating in this enriching experience.Sharing knowledge & wisdom gratefully received, as we learn from each other.Wonderful to reach people who are working in isolation, with many barriers to accessing professional development
You can follow @KarenGaunson.
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